So, how's Canada treatin' ya?
Rogue: Nothing like Washington!
How's the skating up there?
Rogue: Okay, there's a few good parks around here.
Thor: It's okay when you can actually go outside and do it.
Rogue: You can only skate outside like four months out of the year.
Are you missing the states and the good ol pacific northwest?
Thor: Way tooooo much.

What do you miss the most?
Rogue: BVSP and everyone there, for sure.
Thor: Plain and simple, Washington. And all our friends at BVSP.

The rumor is you're moving back. Is it true?
Rogue: Oh yeah, just in time for skate camp!!
When should we be seeing you around the park again?
Thor: Hopefully before 4th of July my homies!
Anything else?
Thor: I miss BVSP.
Rogue: Me too. And I will conquer the door gap.
Rogue and Thor moved last year, but they're moving back this Summer! Here's a little recap on their time spent up north!
If you have photos or video footage you want to submit to the blog, send it to
Sweet you guys are coming back. I know everyone misses ya'll. Thanks for the update!
Joe M
hey i never saw u skate board ur pretty good haha
to bad u have to go back to the usa sheas gonna miss ya!
delaney p
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